Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A little piece of my heart!! <3

I have some exciting news to share with you that makes me super happy! In a VERY short time I will be preparing for my personal trainer certification!! This is something that I’ve wanted to do for a while and I’m soooo excited that it’s finally happening!!

I would’ve never guessed, dreamed or imagined that this is what I would want to do with my life just a few short years ago. Being focused on myself was how I lived…..doing what I thought made ME happy. It was all about ME, ME, ME!!  But I’ve found so much more fulfillment in focusing on helping others!

I know how awful I felt being overweight, not happy with myself, lacking in self-confidence and I know how great I feel now - that’s how I want others to feel!! I know it takes commitment, hard work and there are days that you just aren’t feeling it. But when you have support, motivation, someone standing WITH you pushing you to give it your all, it makes it a little bit easier! And THAT’S what I want to do for others!

Making a difference in the lives of others, giving someone back their health, their self-confidence, their desire to live, that’s what I want to do!

So stay tuned and I’ll keep you posted on how things are going!

If you’re looking for a great workout to do at home, checkout my website.


  1. Sounds like an exciting time for you! Very cool to be doing something for yourself that's so positive!

  2. Good for you! I love to hear others so excited about getting in shape and helping others. I wish you luck with this new chapter of your life. Very exciting!!
