Thursday, October 1, 2009

“Get off the couch and start right now……

…because you CAN do this! These were the sage words of advice spoken by one of the season 8 contestants on The Biggest Loser as he addressed America to show how his weight loss has continued to progress at home after being eliminated from the show. While addressing a packed auditorium full of teenagers, he says to them, “Most people think it can’t be done if you’re not on the ranch, but I’ve done most of it at home.” He’s now lost 120 pounds, and the majority of that at home.

I share this with you because there seems to be a lot of talk about what you’re going to do but not enough doing. The obesity rates in America continue to climb higher and higher and we could make a difference in those statistics if we just DID it and quit talking about doing it!

For some, it’s not knowing what to do, how to get started. I can help you with that. I am a fitness coach with a great company-- Beachbody. They have some of the greatest training programs available with amazing results!  But not only do they have training programs, they have an online support community with over a MILLION others who are committed to getting in better shape and improving their health! Join the Beachbody community and you have access to a nutritional planner that will create a weekly menu for you, complete with grocery list based on the information you enter about your likes/dislikes, AND SO SO MUCH MORE!!! This is just the tip of the iceberg!  They have great supplements, one of the biggest growing supplements right now is Shakeology. This daily nutritional shake helps your body gently eliminate toxins more efficiently while allowing for better absorption of the essential nutrients you need.

Helping others improve their health is something I am passionate about, so I speak this in love! It helps to have a partner to encourage you, motivate you, someone you can ask questions or just give you that extra push you need to keep going. I want to be that for you! So check out my site today and let’s get started on the road to a healthier YOU!


  1. I so need to jump on this band wagon and get moving. I keep telling myself I'm going to walk on my lunch hour and I never get a chance to. It's been over 100 degrees for a while now so I'm hoping once it cools down, I'll be able to start. There I go making excuses again.

  2. hello! i'm happy to meet you! thank you for your comment and visit to love lives in the kitchen! from your profile i can imagine how dynamic and interesting person you must be! i'm very happy to be your follower!
