Thursday, October 8, 2009

To My Faithful Five……

…..whom I’m oh so thankful for, I apologize for the lack of content this week on my blog!! This week has turned out to be quite a busy week and I’ve had no time to sit down and pen my thoughts! I promise to be back next week with a blog you won’t want to miss!!

Are you doing anything this week to improve your health? Let me leave you with some statistics to marinate on until my next blog:

“Obesity has risen to epidemic levels in the United States. Almost one-third of the adult population in the U.S. (32%) is considered obese.1

Obesity's impact on health can't be underestimated. It is associated with shorter life expectancy: both men and women living with obesity generally have 50% to 100% higher mortality rates than those with a healthy weight.2 It can also lead to serious health conditions, often referred to as comorbidities or comorbid conditions such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, cancer, and depression. And as you probably know, it interferes with your quality of life. Beyond the physical implications, there's often a stigma associated with being obese. And that can take an emotional toll as well.

Many people assume that the cause of obesity is a lack of willpower or laziness, and that dieting and exercise are all you need to overcome it. That's simply not true. Obesity it is a disease—not just a result of overeating. Research has shown that, in many cases, an underlying cause of morbid obesity is genetic. Other causes may include metabolic disorders and hormonal imbalances.3(

Often times, people who suffer with obesity have deep-seated emotional issues. Once those issues have been brought to the surface, the healing is much easier to attain. So if you find yourself in a place where you are dealing with issues…or NOT dealing with issues… from your past or possibly in the present, reach out to someone to help you deal with these issues and put them to rest.

I am available and willing to listen, offer my support and encourage you to begin your journey to healthy living TODAY!!


  1. it is sad to see how many children suffer from obesity. it is very cool that you are concerned and want to help

  2. I have a ? I hate drinking water. Besides putting lemon in it, which I don't like to much either, whats a great tip to help me to drink more water and less Diet coke?
